Here's a recipe for awstats using mod_rewrite. The page is protected by an access control list allowing access from a specific network, as well as asking for a username and password if you try to access from elsewhere.
Place this within your virtualhost(s), and go to
## Enable rewriting RewriteEngine On ## Rewrite matching URLs RewriteRule /awstats-icon(.*) /usr/share/awstats/icon/$1 [last] RewriteRule /stats(.*) /usr/lib/cgi-bin/$1 [last] ## Restrict access to awstats <Location /stats> SetHandler cgi-script Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from AuthName "Lies, damn lies and statistics" AuthType basic AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwd Require valid-user Satisfy any </Location>
(Note: The paths used here are from the Debian/Ubuntu package)