We encourage translations of the documentation into other languages and thank you in advance for your contribution. If you would like to assist in translating the docs, please start by reading the general documentation project information , and subscribing to the documentation project mailing list. The documentation project participants are usually very willing to help you with any questions or technical difficulties that may arise during your work.
To get started translating whole or part(s) of the doc and keep it up to date, you'll need to do the following.
Join the docs mailing list by sending a message to docs-subscribe@httpd.apache.org.
Send a message to the list above to say that you wish to get involved in translating the doc into your language. Maybe there's already in place a translation team for your language that will help you in your work.
Let's suppose you look at /docs/trunk/configuring.html and see that there's no version of this page in your language.
Get english version of the source file here Note that you must download the .xml file, not the .html one.
Make a copy of that file with the two-letter file extension representing your
language. For example, for a Spanish translation, you'd copy configuring.xml
to configuring.xml.es
. You are now ready to start well said translation :
Send your results - either complete files, or the output of svn diff
to the
docs mailing list, in order someone can commit it to the repository. Eventually,
you can do this step yourself.
If you wish to go further in translating of the doc, in other words maintaining your translations and keep them up-to-date, read this document.
Please note the following documents. They give you further information which may be helpful.
Because English is the main development language of the Apache HTTP Server, it is difficult for the developers to check the quality of documentation submitted in other languages. Therefore, we require that all translated documentation be reviewed by another fluent speaker of the relevant language, before it can be accepted. Each commit message should list the reviewer. If the translator is not the same as the committer, the translator should also be named in the commit message.
We also encourage you to place the name of the translator in a comment at the top of the file, like this:
<!-- ===================================================== Translated by: Nilgün Belma Bugüner <nilgun belgeler.org> Reviewed by: Orhan Berent <berent belgeler.org> ========================================================== -->
The build system keeps track of the svn revision number of the equivalent English version, so that future translators have an idea of where they need to start.